The Yellow House Diaries

The whos, whats, wheres, whens, whys, and hows of the last few months here in the yellow house. Well, technically it's tan now, but it was yellow at one time.

Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Taking it all in. Writing it all down.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Phil - The Weekend

  • Phil came down today around noon. He, Mark, Ben, J, and Roach headed to the beach.
  • DJ is still up nort'.
  • I had to work a double at the Gritty.
  • They got plowed at the beach, so the natural progression was to drink out at the bars.
  • The night started at The Stadium. Soon, and for some unexplicable reason, we went to the Gritty. After that our party was seperated. I can remember being at the KK. Why? Who knows; that place sucks. Phil and I eventually made it to Hatters, but Mark refused to go in.
  • After that the night's a blank.


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