The Yellow House Diaries

The whos, whats, wheres, whens, whys, and hows of the last few months here in the yellow house. Well, technically it's tan now, but it was yellow at one time.

Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Taking it all in. Writing it all down.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Ben's Drunk Ass

  • AJ, DJ, Mark, Julie, and I went to Vintage for some drinks last night. Afterwards I finally convinced them to go to the pub where Julie pulled off the greatest darts comeback ever.
  • Ben got drunk... really drunk. He went to the bathroom around 2:45 am, then came back to his room and went to the balcony and threw up off it for about 10 minutes. Some of the more amusing comments were "I farted. I'm sorry.", "I threw up.", "No, dude, it's cool."


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