The Yellow House Diaries

The whos, whats, wheres, whens, whys, and hows of the last few months here in the yellow house. Well, technically it's tan now, but it was yellow at one time.

Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Taking it all in. Writing it all down.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend

  • Phil arrived on Friday and most of the house went camping; this included AJ. Many were amazed that he was able to survive without being in his bed for at least 12 hours.
  • Actually, it wasn't camping so much as it was just sleeping outside. They all came back to make food, nap, and watch TV during the day, before heading back to drink and fall asleep on the ground.
  • AJ went back to the flat land after camping on Friday night. DJ adjourned back to the nort' woods.
  • I attended the wedding of one Michael Wilkinson and one Alexis Schrubbe (I'm sure you've heard of them). I talked with Bo, noticed how socially awkward Zach Morley and Kirk Penney are, and got smashed for free.
  • In honor of our veterans Mark and I drank several pitchers on the terrace Monday. After recuperating for a few hours I met Brad, Jess, Dan, Dennis, Joe, and Kate out at Hatters. What ensued was probably the most hilarious night of my life. That story is told elsewhere.


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