The Yellow House Diaries

The whos, whats, wheres, whens, whys, and hows of the last few months here in the yellow house. Well, technically it's tan now, but it was yellow at one time.

Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Taking it all in. Writing it all down.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend

  • Phil arrived on Friday and most of the house went camping; this included AJ. Many were amazed that he was able to survive without being in his bed for at least 12 hours.
  • Actually, it wasn't camping so much as it was just sleeping outside. They all came back to make food, nap, and watch TV during the day, before heading back to drink and fall asleep on the ground.
  • AJ went back to the flat land after camping on Friday night. DJ adjourned back to the nort' woods.
  • I attended the wedding of one Michael Wilkinson and one Alexis Schrubbe (I'm sure you've heard of them). I talked with Bo, noticed how socially awkward Zach Morley and Kirk Penney are, and got smashed for free.
  • In honor of our veterans Mark and I drank several pitchers on the terrace Monday. After recuperating for a few hours I met Brad, Jess, Dan, Dennis, Joe, and Kate out at Hatters. What ensued was probably the most hilarious night of my life. That story is told elsewhere.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Construction on the Yellow House

To: Bob Lund
From: Your pissed off tenants

Thanks, Bob, for restarting construction on the attic and inconveniencing us during our last few months in your property. We have several problems with this act.
  • Not only can AJ not study for his exam he needs to take, but he can't sleep until 3 like he should be able to on his summer vacation.
  • Not to mention your liberal use of the driveway we are still paying for and...
  • Your audacity to ask us to move our shit for you while we are still tenants here.
  • We can't use the attic which we still pay rent for.
  • If I get that job I plan on getting and have to work on 3rd shift, i.e. sleep during the day, you will not be allowed to continue work on the property I plan on sleeping in undisturbed, like I should be able to.
  • We shouldn't have to pay rent, you asshole.
  • Take your life, Bob, right after taking the lives of all those fuckers that work on our abode.

R.I.P. Mark J. Rahne

Mark returned from his trip to Minnesota where he interviewed for some jobs. He explained he plans on taking one of them. This action will have severe reprocussions on his, and our, lives. Mark will have to move to Minnesota and out of our lives forever. Lord knows how long it will take before that fowl state corrupts our innocent little Mark. Congratulations are in order on receiving the job, but at what cost, Mark? What cost? Mark leaves our lives, and our great state, on June 24. Thanks for the memories, Mark. We will pray for you.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Ben's Drunk Ass

  • AJ, DJ, Mark, Julie, and I went to Vintage for some drinks last night. Afterwards I finally convinced them to go to the pub where Julie pulled off the greatest darts comeback ever.
  • Ben got drunk... really drunk. He went to the bathroom around 2:45 am, then came back to his room and went to the balcony and threw up off it for about 10 minutes. Some of the more amusing comments were "I farted. I'm sorry.", "I threw up.", "No, dude, it's cool."

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

May 2 thru May 8

  • Everyone seems to be coping quite well considering the lack of the Xbox.
  • I made a cheesecake.
  • Ben finished a 12 page paper in 4.5 hours the night before it was due. He was hear to remark "It's actually quality."
  • Enjoyed my last Varsity Band meeting ever.
  • AJ and Mark enjoyed their last classes here at UW.
  • A cookout, followed by 2nd floor v. 1st floor driveway basketball. The 1st floor (The Good Guys) won the series 2-1.
  • Mark left at 8 to go to his study group at Lucky's. We followed soon enough.
  • 120 oz. beers at Lucky's, followed by masculine daquari night at Amy's.
  • J made Ben buy 16 tequila shots. Mark Didn't take any.
  • Mark and I both had finals. His was alright. Mine was an abomination unto the Lord.
  • AJ and DJ got schooled by the neighbors in washers.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Mifflin Street Block Party

  • God Bless the USA
  • Roach peed on Lindsey's bedroom wall.
  • DJ slept at Kristi's afterwards so he wouldn't be hasseled here. He was the only person in her apartment.
  • Mark sprained his ankle and got a big cut on his finger and doesn' t know how either happened.
  • J partied from 11 am Saturday til 5 am Sunday.